Magic Johnson States The Obvious About Patrick Beverley Trade

Today's acquisition of defensive pest Patrick Beverley will undoubtedly bring a new presence to the Los Angeles Lakers. He is certainly the kind of player that gets under opponents' skin. Not to mention their fans' skin. Now the Los Angeles Lakers' biggest fan of all, Magic Johnson, is doing what he does best on Twitter: stating the obvious about Pat Bev joining the Purple & Gold.

Yes, Magic speaks for pretty much every fan of the NBA (just insert team name where appropriate): "I used to hate Patrick Beverly (sic) when he played against my Lakers lol but now I love him because he's on our team and he's going to help my Lakers get to the playoffs!"

Now before we get carried away, believing that Pat Bev is enough to get the Lakers back to the playoffs might just be a bit of hyperbole, but you never know. 

The Lakers on Thursday acquired Beverley, as we hinted at yesterday, from the Utah Jazz in exchange for Talen Horton-Tucker. And yes, Magic had more to say:

His "defense, grit, toughness, and basketball IQ" were certainly on display across the hall from the Lakers for four years, when Beverley played for the Los Angeles Clippers.

Photos: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports