Doc Rivers Embroiled In New Controversy

Not sure if anyone had 'Doc Rivers Caught Liking Several Sexually Inappropriate Tweets' on their bingo card. But if you did... Bingo!

Philadelphia 76ers head coach Doc Rivers, while often being referred to as one of the most 'respected' coaches in the league, has also been known to get himself into unwanted controversies with things he says and does (see: Simmons, Ben — Doc: "I don't know if he can be the point guard on a championship team."). 

This time, Twitter users noticed that Rivers' twitter account had 'liked' a whole whack of porn tweets, and although they've since been 'unliked', it wasn't before he became the.. uh.. butt  of jokes on social media. 

And on and on it goes. 

Reports Saturday morning claim that Rivers' account was "hacked" and the team was "working overnight to address it." Another report said that “Doc was informed by a friend about the bizarre activity on his account and it is being taken care of by the team.”

With training camp opening in the next week to 10 days, it should be a fun time for all involved. 

Photos: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports, Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports